Configuring your Invoice template for OVERDUE stamp

Legacy KB ID: 5745


How do I remove the overdue stamp on my invoices in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)/Reckon Accounts Hosted?

Applies to: Reckon Account Business / Hosted


Reckon Accounts shows OVERDUE stamp on Invoices when they have passed the due date. 

How does OVERDUE stamp work? 


OVERDUE stamp only shows when an Invoice has passed the due date and it checks the Due date of that Invoice for the status. Due date is hidden by default in an invoice. You will need to enable it from the Invoice template customisation. 

How does Due Date work?

Due Date of an Invoice comes from the Terms field used in the Invoice/Customer. You can assign the Term to a Customer and then use it in an Invoice. Depending on the term configuration, the due date will be applied to the Invoice. 

If you do not use a Term, then by default the Due Date will be the same as Transaction Date. 

You can manually change the Due Date once you have customised the template and enabled the option to show it on your Invoice. 

  1. Open an Invoice 
  2. Click on Customise from the top menu bar 
  3. Click Additional Customisation… > Tick Due Date for Screen (mandatory) and Print (optional) 
  1. Click OK > OK 
  2. You can now view Due Date column on your Invoice 

Enable the status Stamp to show OVERDUE stamp 


To show stamps (PAID, OVERDUE etc.) on printed/emailed Invoice, you will need to enable this option first. 

  1. Open an Invoice 
  2. Click on Customise 
  3. Tick Print Status Stamp 
  4. OK > OK 

Example of an OVERDUE Invoice In the below Invoice example, we will explain how the OVERDUE stamp showed up: 

  1. The Transaction Date is 08/07/2019 
  2. The Term used for this Invoice was “Due on receipt”, that means the Due date is same as Invoice/transaction date (point 1) 
  3. Due to the term, the Due date is 08/07/2019 
  4. The day this Invoice was viewed (the computer’s date) is 12/07/2019 
  5. Because the computer’s date (12/07/2019) is after the Due Date of the Invoice (08/07/2019), the OVERDUE stamp is shown on the screen 
  6. If you have ticked the option to display this stamp on Print (point 3 from How does Due Date work? Section), OVERDUE stamp will show on the printed and emailed Invoice 

How can I not show the OVERDUE stamp but keep showing PAID stamp? 

By default, stamps show if you tick Print Status Stamp from Invoice template customisation.  

However, you can choose not to show OVERDUE stamp by following one of the below workarounds: 

  1. Change Due Date of the Invoice by manually choosing a Due date which is in the future.
  2. Use a different template for sending overdue invoices to your customers.
    1. Duplicate the current template.
      1. Go to Lists > Templates 
      2. Right-click on your current template and select Duplicate 
    2. Rename the template
      1. In the template list, right-click the new template and select Edit
      2. Select Manage Templates
        1. Change the template name to something meaningful eg. Product Invoice-no status
        2. Click OK
        3. Un-tick the Print Status Stamp
        4. Click OK

Changing an invoice template before sending to a customer 

  1. Open an invoice 
  2. Choose the new template from the Template drop-down menu
You can change invoice templates without losing any of the underlying data on the invoice.


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