Adding MFA via Chrome extension alternative to smartphone

Legacy KB ID: 5687


I do not wish to install Google Authenticator App on my smartphone, is there any other way I can setup the MFA access for the setup of my STP.

Applies to:

Reckon GovConnect STP.


You can use the ‘Authenticator’ extension for the Chrome browser.

You can use the browser extension called ‘Authenticator’ available in Chrome’s Web Store and add it as an alternative to Google Authenticator App available for your Smart Phone.

Detailed steps.

  1. Go to your Google Chrome and search for Authenticator.
  2. Install it.
  3. Once installed, you can see the app on the top right corner of the browser. It has the icon of QR Code. See below. 
  4. Now login to Reckon GovConnect. When Prompted to “Enable MFA” follow to the prompt to enable it.
  5. You will see the QR code which you will need to scan, using your Authenticator.
  1. Now go to the Authenticator App extension and click on the small square icon as shown below to scan the code. 
  2. This will change your cursor to ‘+’ icon and will allow you to select the QR code.
  3. After a successful scan of the code, a message will be prompted, from saying your nominated email account has been added.
  4. This will also generate the MFA code for you, which you can then enter in step 3 of the MFA setup. (See screenshot on step 5 Above)

The MFA setup via chrome extension is now complete.

How did we do?

Revoking the Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) for use on another device.

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